Become a surrogate

Being a surrogate is a gift that changes the lives of gay, single, and infertile intended parents. Women who choose to become surrogates are generous, they are very special who willing to help in a way may change lives. Giving life and helping others is often the top of every surrogate’s list. Many surrogates carry a baby simply because they want to help others to build a family which are spirited and selfless. Having a husband, partner, families or close friends who provide unwavering supports consistently will significantly benefit your journey as well, especially when someone who understand your decisions and you can rely on.

Birthway Surrogacy provide you with the most supportive and rewarding journey, we will accompany you from the very start to the end step by step throughout your journey, which makes your surrogacy process safer, easier, and more enjoyable.

Females between the ages of 21-40 who are healthy with regular menstrual cycles who must be a parent themselves with a least 1 successful, live birth and no complications.
Non-smokers and Non-drug users with BMI below 34.
Must not currently be receiving government financial assistance. Financially stable. (This excludes dependents)
U.S. citizen, or have valid U.S. Permanent Residency status.
Surrogate applicants and spouses cannot have any prior felonies. You cannot have an IUD or be taking certain medications.

  1. Willing to help others build their family
  2. Meet the basic surrogacy requirements
  3. Consultant our surrogacy program and the whole process
  4. Complete the application form
  5. Interview and match with intended parents
  6. Psychological and medical evaluation by clinic, your medical records will be reviewed by IVF doctor.
  7. Legal contracts
  8. Embryo transfer and pregnancy
  9. We will provide fully support through the entire journey

Surrogacy is a woman who carries and gives birth to baby for those couples with infertility issues, single individuals, or homosexual couples to build their own family. We will guide you on your surrogacy every step together with our IVF clinic and legal team to ensure you receive the best care.

Through reproductive technology such as artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization/embryo transfer (IVF/ET) and other Advanced Reproductive Technologies (ART) to have a baby dream come true.

-Intended Parents FAQ-

Gestational Surrogacy is a surrogate who is not genetically connected to the child and carrying for the Intended Parents. The eggs are retrieved from the Intended Mother or an Egg Donor, are fertilized with the prospective father’s sperm or sperm donor, and then transferred to the Surrogate’s womb.

Traditional Surrogacy is a surrogate who also donates her eggs and has biological link to the child she is carrying for the Intended Parents. The surrogate undergo artificial insemination or IVF with sperm from a sperm donor.

Yes! You will released to your original OB by the intended parent IVF doctor.

The IVF clinics will determine what tests should the surrogates take. In general, a blood test, a infectious disease test, a testing for Nicotine and illegal drug use should be expected. Also, there will usually be several standard medical tests during the pregnancy.

Each individual has different reasons to become a surrogate. Some of them believe in helping families who are not able to conceive on their own to experience the joy and happiness of being parents. Some of them also feel like to contribute themselves to their community or society.

No! Intended Parents will reimburse all the surrogate-related expenses before and during pregnancy.

Yes. Most IVF clinics will require surrogates to take medications two months before and two months after the embryo transfer.

Before the embryo transfer, every intended parent MUST be medically screened for any diseases that are transmittable to the surrogates. This eliminates the possibility that surrogates will get disease from the transfer.

Every pregnancy is different and sometimes it takes more than one IVF cycle to get pregnant. Each surrogate will remain their rights to decide if they want to continue to the next IVF cycle if the first one is not successful. Most intended parents will encourage the surrogates to commit up to two IVF cycles.

If you are required to go on bed rest on doctor’s orders, you will be compensated once you show the doctor’s notes. Your lost wages, housekeeping expenses, children day care expenses will also be compensated. If you have unexpected medical complication or are having to do invasive procedures related to the pregnancy, the intended parents will be able to cover all expenses and provide compensations for you.