Due to some factors and infertility, many couples are unable to conceive baby of their own, as an egg donor, donating your eggs is another way to help intended parents to fulfil their dream of having a baby.

We will guide you on every step of your egg donation journey to make sure that you get the best care with our IVF clinics and medical team. Please feel free to schedule a consultation if you are interested in becoming an egg donor.

How to become an egg donor

How to become an egg donor

  • Schedule a consultation to regarding the egg donation process and compensation
  • Complete an egg donor application as accurately and as much details as you can
  • Match with intended parents based on the personality type, similar expectations and goals.
  • Psychological and medical evaluations as well as testing by an IVF doctor for infectious diseases and STDs, your medical records will be reviewed at this step.
  • Sign legal contracts of the egg donation, attorney who representative the intended parents will draft their contract, and your attorney who representative you will review the contract for you, all the attorney fee will be paid by intended parents
  • Medication to stimulate the production of eggs in the ovaries(most of the medications will be self-administered daily via injections), you will also be closely monitored by the IVF clinic
  • Egg retrieval at the IVF clinic minimally invasive and perform with a sedative. We will assist in taking you back home or to your hotel after the procedure.

What is the requirement to become an egg donor?

  • Between 21 to 30 years old
  • Healthy height to weight ratio based on BMI of 30 or less
  • Non smoking or hard drugs
  • Be willing to undergo medical and psychological evaluation
  • Within the past 9 months, no travel to countries affected by the Zika Virus
  • At least a Bachelor’s degree